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Home made Ghee

Ghee, glorious ghee! My new batch is cured and ready to go!

Finished ghee in jars

Ghee is an incredible food and making ghee is a practice. In fact it is a bit of a ritual for me. I make enough in a batch to last 6-8 weeks and each time it is a wonderful journey of focus, gratitude, love and patience. The process is so satisfying. You must be patient and not rush - keep the temperature moderate, and wait patiently for the foaming and then the bubbles - which let you know the stage the butter is at on its transformational journey to ghee. The second foaming followed by clear bubbles and lo and behold! Ghee! I’ve made this recipe a pictorial so you can see the process! It is gorgeous - nutty, rich in nutrients and is an ancient medicine.

Traditionally it is used in Hindu rituals and Ayurvedic medicine. It improves lustre, enhances complexion, reduces dry skin and is great for brain health. It is anti-inflammatory and rich in linoleic acid, Vitamins (A, K2, and E), and Omega-3 fatty acids. It is also meant to promote gut health - and so much more! I love it - it has a gorgeous nutty aroma and flavour and is incredible to cook with - its smoke point (where its molecules begin to break down) is 250 °C (482 °F). I could go on! But I will end on this: it is incredible to cook pancakes with, and a dob on my morning porridge is heaven!


Here is the recipe! Enjoy and do let me know how you go making your own!

Here’s what you need:


A medium to large saucepan ( depending on how much you are going to make ), preferably one with a heavy bottom

A large spoon or spatula for stirring

A fine meshed sieve or a colander

Several layers of cheesecloth to line your sieve/colander

A large bowl or measuring cup to strain the ghee into (preferably one that has a pouring spout)

Clean glass jars to store your ghee in. I like to use ones that are not too deep, with wide mouths ( easy to pour into and easy to scoop the ghee out ).


The best quality UNSALTED organic butter available

Start with at least 2 or 3 250gm packs, depending on how big a batch you want to make.

I often make a batch of 8 x 250gm packs as I am used to managing it and it lasts for a month or two - we use it for cooking - on its own or combined with good quality olive oil, and I love it on my porridge and dahl.

Roughly cut your butter into chunks which helps it to melt faster and more evenly.

Put your butter in your saucepan to melt over medium heat, stirring it gently from time to time.

Stages of making ghee

Pretty soon, you’ll see a thick, white foam start to form at the surface.

Notice how the butter is a bright, lemony yellow and opaque at this stage of the process.

Keep stirring until your butter starts to simmer, at which point you need to turn the heat down to medium-low.

Stages of making ghee

For the next 5 minutes or so, you won’t be doing much stirring. Just let the butter simmer and watch the bubbles emerge from the thick foam that is forming, increasing in size and number.

Stages of making ghee

As the bubbling increases, you’ll notice that the foam is becoming thinner and the bubbles are becoming bigger and clearer

Soon the milk solids will start to curdle and attach to the sides of the pan. That is completely normal. Scrape the sides of the pan from time to time to help them sink to the bottom.

As the milk solids sink to the bottom, your butter will begin to clear up.

It will get more and more translucent, the bubbles will get larger and the foam will eventually completely disappear.

Stages of making ghee

Your butter will start to become a beautiful golden colour as the milk solids, which are now at the bottom, begin to brown.

Keep a close eye on your butter and keep stirring, scraping the sides and bottom so the milk solids don’t attach to the pan and burn.

Notice how big the bubbles are getting? We’re almost there…

Watch closely!

Stages of making ghee

That, right there! That’s what you are looking for!

See how the butter just started foaming for a second time? This is the indication that your ghee is now ready to be strained.

Take it off the heat and let the foam settle for a few seconds.

Stages of making ghee

Have your sieve ready - lined with several layers of cheesecloth/butter muslin and set that over a large bowl, preferably one that has a pouring spout.

Carefully pour your ghee into the lined sieve! It is hot but you don’t want it to start setting before you pour it off.

Pic 14

Discard the milk solids that get left behind.

Transfer your beautiful filtered ghee into your glass jars.

Make sure you inhale the glorious aroma!

Check out the incredible colour!

Liquid gold!

Cover your jars loosely and let your precious ghee set at room temperature.

You can tell when it has set as it turns back to a gorgeous lemon colour and is no longer clear, but a solid colour.

And there you have it. Your beautiful homemade ghee is now ready to use.

Now you can explore cooking with your ghee, having it on top of porridge or dahl, rubbing it into the soles of your feet to draw out tension, or your gums for healing… According to the Ayurvedic tradition ghee heals you on a cellular level from the inside out.

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